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Health equity experts urge new Labour Government to adopt health equality strategies to replicate past successes
July 25th 2024

Health equity experts urge new Labour Government to adopt health equality strategies to replicate past successes

New analysis has revealed an increase in mortality inequalities in older age groups following the reversal of targeted government strategies to reduce health inequalities in 2010.

Research led by Health Equity North academics, set out to understand the impact of national strategies to narrow health inequalities implemented during the last Labour government with a focus on older people.

The academics assessed trends in mortality rates at the age of 65-69 before, during and after the policy period (1997 – 2010)…

Interactive toolkit launched for bone health project
March 31st 2022
Interactive toolkit launched for bone health project

The outcomes of an innovative project to reduce the risk…

National Institute for Health and Care Research north west National Institute for Health and Care Research north east National Institute for Health and Care Research manchester National Institute for Health and Care Research yorkshire