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Health equity experts urge new Labour Government to adopt health equality strategies to replicate past successes
July 25th 2024

Health equity experts urge new Labour Government to adopt health equality strategies to replicate past successes

New analysis has revealed an increase in mortality inequalities in older age groups following the reversal of targeted government strategies to reduce health inequalities in 2010.

Research led by Health Equity North academics, set out to understand the impact of national strategies to narrow health inequalities implemented during the last Labour government with a focus on older people.

The academics assessed trends in mortality rates at the age of 65-69 before, during and after the policy period (1997 – 2010)…

Statement regarding Labour’s Child Health Action Plan
January 12th 2024
Statement regarding Labour’s Child Health Action Plan

Yesterday (January 11 2024) the Labour Party published their Child…

Leaders discuss health innovation priorities at party conference roundtables
December 18th 2023
Leaders discuss health innovation priorities at party conference roundtables

Two roundtable events during the Conservative and Labour Party Conferences…

‘Child poverty is a disaster for child health’
October 16th 2023
‘Child poverty is a disaster for child health’

Health Equity North Director presents report exploring child health inequalities…

Our Seven Missions: Health Equity North’s recommendations to tackling health inequalities in the North
October 8th 2023
Our Seven Missions: Health Equity North’s recommendations to tackling health…

Health Equity North has launched seven missions to tackle health…

UK health inequalities could be significantly reduced in a decade if politicians use targets as part of cross government strategy
September 26th 2023
UK health inequalities could be significantly reduced in a decade…

Read the report here The authors of a new research…

Calls for urgent action to prioritise children’s health and education as new analysis finds schools funding imbalance risks widening regional childhood inequalities
September 11th 2023
Calls for urgent action to prioritise children’s health and education…

Click here to read the full report Northern schools are…

Party Conference Events 2023
August 17th 2023
Party Conference Events 2023

Health Equity North and the Northern Health Science Alliance are…

BLOG: Which football team wins the Child Health and Wellbeing League?
August 1st 2023
BLOG: Which football team wins the Child Health and Wellbeing…

      “Some people believe football is a matter…

Northern regions relegated to bottom of child health league table
August 1st 2023
Northern regions relegated to bottom of child health league table

      A league table ranking child health by…

National Institute for Health and Care Research north west National Institute for Health and Care Research north east National Institute for Health and Care Research manchester National Institute for Health and Care Research yorkshire